About Audeara
Audeara headphones use a hearing check algorithm to tailor sound to a users unique hearing profile.
Sound is clearer, not louder by only amplifying frequencies your client can’t hear as well.
With Audeara, your clients experience clearer sound while connecting to the moments that bring them joy – whether that’s watching a favourite TV show, listening to music or FaceTiming with family.
Understanding Audeara

Learn more about the features and benefits of Audeara products.

For general information, FAQs and support, visit the Audeara Support Centre.
Audeara for TV, music & communication

Using Audeara for TV, music, travel and communication over video chat or the phone.

General information and FAQs for using Audeara for the TV, music and communication.
Government funding

Claiming Audeara through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Claiming Audeara through the Australian Government Hearing Services Program (HSP).

Claiming Audeara through the Department of Veteran's Affairs Rehabilitation Appliances Program (RAP).
How to fit Audeara

Fit your clients' headphones to their audiogram using AudAssist Desktop for PC.

The testing and fitting range of Audeara headphones.
Product information

Everything you need to know about A-01 Headphones.

Everything you need to know about the BT-01 TV Transceiver.

Everything you need to know about A-02 Headphones.

Everything you need to know about the A-02 TV Bundle...
Additional support
A few troubleshooting tips and tricks to assist your client.
Schedule a support call with our team at a convenient time for you.
Submit a request to return or repair an Audeara product under warranty.
Request Installation
Returns and Repairs
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